General: BEP2E – Cross-Chain Transfer

Cross-chain transfers only support binded BEP2 tokens on BC and BEP2E tokens on BSC.

Verify Token Info

First, you should make sure that it’s already bonded. For example, you could see the binding info of BNB:

tbnbcli token info --symbol BNB --trust-node --node
  "type": "bnbchain/Token",
  "value": {
    "name": "Binance Chain Native Token",
    "symbol": "BNB",
    "original_symbol": "BNB",
    "total_supply": "200000000.00000000",
    "owner": "tbnb1l9ffdr8e2pk7h4agvhwcslh2urwpuhqm2u82hy",
    "mintable": false,
    "contract_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "contract_decimals": 18

As BNB is the native token on both chains, so we use 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 as the corresponding contract address. Besides, on BSC, the native token decimals is 18, while the decimals on BC is 8. So if you transfer 1e8:BNB to BSC, the recipient balance will gain 1e18.

Transfer BNB from BC to BSC


tbnbcli bridge transfer-out --to 0xEe9546E92e6876EdF6a234eFFbD72d75360d91f0 --expire-time 1597543193 --chain-id Binance-Chain-Kongo --from owner --amount 100000000:BNB --node


Committed at block 465899 (tx hash: 68FFF82197E27A3EC14AFF8C99A035FA9CA7120312AA55E98D11DFC0F8D9F3B9, response: {Code:0 Data:[] Log:Msg 0:  Info: GasWanted:0 GasUsed:0 Events:[{Type: Attributes:[{Key:[84 114 97 110 115 102 101 114 79 117 116 83 101 113 117 101 110 99 101] Value:[49 49] XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0} {Key:[69 120 112 105 114 101 84 105 109 101] Value:[49 53 57 55 53 52 51 49 57 51] XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0} {Key:[97 99 116 105 111 110] Value:[99 114 111 115 115 84 114 97 110 115 102 101 114 79 117 116] XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0}] XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0}] Codespace: XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral:{} XXX_unrecognized:[] XXX_sizecache:0})

Transfer BNB from BSC to BC


Call transferOut of TokenHub contract in MyEtherWallet:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
contractAddraddressfor BNB, the value must be 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
recipientaddressdecode bech32 address to hex string. This is a online too to decode bech32:
amountuint256The BNB decimals on BSC is 18. If you want to transfer one BNB, then the value should be 1e18. Besides, the value must be N * 1e10
expireTimeuint256Timestamp, counted by second
relayFeeuint256The relayFee should be no less than miniRelayFee. The initial miniRelayFee is 1e16. It can be changed by on-chain governance.

The value here must follow this equation:

txValue = (amount + relayerFee)/1e18

After all the above parameters have been set to proper values, users can click the transact button to build transactions, and metamask plugin will be ejected. Then users can click the confirm button in metamask to sign and broadcast transactions.


Call batchTransferOut of TokenHub contract in MyEtherWallet:

Parameter NameTypeDescription
recipientAddrsaddress[]decode bech32 address to hex string. This is a online too to decode bech32:
amountsuint256[]amount for each recipient, should be N * 1e10
refundAddrsaddress[]sender can specify some address as the refund address if the cross chain transfer is failed.
expireTimeuint256Timestamp, counted by second
relayFeeuint256The relayFee should be no less than miniRelayFee * lengthOf(amounts). The initial miniRelayFee is 1e16. It can be changed by on-chain governance.

The value here must follow this equation:

txValue = (sumOfAmounts + relayerFee)/1e18

Transfer BEP2 to BSC

Execute the following command to transfer ABC-A64 token to BSC:

tbnbcli bridge transfer-out --to 0xEe9546E92e6876EdF6a234eFFbD72d75360d91f0 --expire-time 1597543193 --chain-id Binance-Chain-Kongo --from owner --amount 10000000000:ABC-A64 --node

Transfer BEP2E to BC

Before calling transferOut or batchTransferOut, users need to call approve method to grant enough allowance to TokenHub contract. For transferOut method, the allowance should equal the transfer amount. For batchTransferOut, the allowance should be the sum of the amount array.


contractAddraddressBEP2E contract address
recipientaddressdecode bech32 address to hex string. This is a online too to decode bech32:
amountuint256BEP2E token amount. Here the decimals is 18, so the amount must be N * 1e10.
expireTimeuint256Timestamp, counted by second
relayFeeuint256The relayFee should be no less than miniRelayFee. The initial miniRelayFee is 1e16. It can be changed by on-chain governance.

The value here should be relayerFee/1e18.


Parameter NameTypeDescription
recipientAddrsaddress[]decode bech32 address to hex string. This is a online too to decode bech32:
amountsuint256[]Here the decimals is 18, so each amount should be N * 1e10
refundAddrsaddress[]sender can specify some address as the refund address if the cross chain transfer is failed.
contractAddraddressBEP2E contract address
expireTimeuint256Timestamp, counted by second
relayFeeuint256The relayFee should be no less than miniRelayFee * lengthOf(amounts). The initial miniRelayFee is 1e16. It can be changed by on-chain governance.

The value here should be relayFee/1e18.


If both the bep2e token and bep2 token are mintable, then token owners can still mint their tokens even after token binding. Besides, token owners need to ensure the total supply and the locked amount on both chains are still matched, otherwise, users might can’t transfer their tokens to another chain.

Mint token on BC

  1. Execute the following command to mint 10000 ABC-A64:tbnbcli token mint --symbol ABC-A64 --amount 1000000000000 --from owner --chain-id Binance-Chain-Kongo --node
  2. Mint token on BSC and lock the new minted token:
  3. Call mint method of bep2e contract, the mint amount should be 1e22.
  4. Transfer all minted ABC token to tokenHub contract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001004

Mint token on BSC

  1. Call mint of BEP2E contract to mint 10000 ABC, the mint amount should be 1e22(18 decimals).
  2. Mint token on BC and lock the new minted token:
  3. Execute the following command to mint 10000 ABC-A64:tbnbcli token mint --symbol ABC-A64 --amount 1000000000000 --from owner --chain-id Binance-Chain-Kongo --node
  4. Transfer all minted ABC-A64 token to the pure-code-controlled address: tbnb1v8vkkymvhe2sf7gd2092ujc6hweta38xnc4wpr(mainnet address: bnb1v8vkkymvhe2sf7gd2092ujc6hweta38xadu2pj)