New Projects on BNB Chain (2nd – 8th December)

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Each week, BNB Chain onboards tons of new projects across the landscape of DeFi, SocialFi, Web3 gaming, and beyond. 🔥

Take a look at the table below for descriptions of each, and make sure to follow any projects that capture your interest. Check back every week for updates on the latest members of the BNB Chain fam! Let’s keep building Web3 together.

New Projects on BNB Chain (2nd – 8th December)

Twitter Account Category DescriptionValue Brought to BNB Chain
NeoAudit AIInfrastructureAI-powered solutions for audit, research, safety and market signals. These tools enable users to perform thorough due diligence directly on Telegram.Directing all storage to Greenfield for our Snipes AI channel which is rapidly growing. We would be directing users to the capabilities & offerings of BNB & Greenfield specifically.
OKLinkInfrastructureMulti-chain aggregated explorer supporting BNB Smart Chain and opBNBOKLink explorer is a multi-chain aggregated blockchain explorer that allows users to search through transactions, blocks, wallet addresses, smart contracts and other on-chain data covering 30+ mainstream chains including BNB Smart Chain and opBNB. 
DypiusDeFiDypius is a powerful, decentralized ecosystem with a focus on scalability, security, and global adoption through next-gen infrastructure. We offer a variety of products and services that cater to both beginners and advanced users in the crypto space including Earn solutions, analytical tools, NFTs, Metaverse and more!More transactions and users on opBNB chain.
DystopiGamingDystopi is a skill based MMORPG with classic game mechanics and web3 features.Dystopi is an example how to bring traditional, enjoyable game experience to the blockchain without the need to invent entirely new, unseen game mechanics
Serenity ShieldInfrastructureSecure, decentralized and scalable data storage and inheritance solution powered by blockchain.Serenity Shield’s StrongBox DApp offers substantial benefits to BNB Chain ecosystem and its users by providing a robust security mechanism against the potential risks associated with losing sensitive user data or wallet seed phrases.  Serving as a genuine on-chain solution to the common blockchain problem of lost access to funds due to misplaced or forgotten seed phrases, the DApp ensures a secure and accessible environment for digital credentials and data. 
L7DeFiL7 is a Web3-based decentralized digital asset management protocolL7 is a Web3-based decentralized digital asset management protocol, dedicated to provide investment solutions and services to the global blockchain ecosystem and digital assets. Offer one stop asset investment and configuration services for professional investors, institutions, ecosystems, projects, and individuals.

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