Table of Contents

The BNB Greenfield network is set to implement the Mongolian hardfork, bringing significant updates and enhancements to the platform.
Important information and key actions required:
- The Testnet Mongolian hardfork is scheduled to occur at block height 10,780,238. Based on the current block interval, it is estimated to take place on July 31st at 07:00 AM UTC.
- The Mainnet Mongolian hardfork is scheduled to occur at block height 10,314,605. Based on the current block interval, it is estimated to take place on August 8th at 07:00 AM UTC.
Validators and SPs should complete upgrading to the latest version before hardfork:
- For Validators: greenfield v1.9.0
- For SPs: greenfield-storage-provider v1.9.0
Please be aware that the upcoming hardfork will not impact your account balance on Greenfield. All buckets and objects stored on the Greenfield will remain accessible.
What’s New for BNB Greenfield?
To enhance user experience, the developer community is introducing the following features and bug fixes:
- Support message to create policy cross-chain (PR #639)
- Fix initial value for min value comparison to be large enough (PR #639)
What’s New for Storage Providers (SPs)?
- Add receive done interface idempotent processing (PR #1428)
For other bug fixes and refactoring, please refer to the changelog in the Greenfield Blockchain and Greenfield SP repository.
In Closing
Greenfield aims to improve user and developer experiences by introducing these BEPs and optimizations. The goal is to streamline app development for Greenfield developers and ensure all users can easily access its decentralized storage services. Let’s work together to build a strong ecosystem.