BNB Beacon Chain Mainnet First Sunset Upgrade Announcement

Blog post image.

The upgrade hardfork effective time is at the height of 373,526,985 (15th April 2024. at 6:00 AM UTC), The full node runners on mainnet must upgrade to v0.10.20 by 15th April.

1. Background Story

This is the first Beacon Chain sunset of BC Fusion, please refer to BNB Chain Fusion page.

2. How does this upgrade affect me?

BNB/BEP2 Asset HolderMoving assets from BC to BSC; a detailed guide is available.
Full Node OperatorUpgrade to v0.10.20If node is synced with network, download the new binary and new config file of app.toml Add or update the FirstSunsetHeight = 373526985 under the [upgrade] module of app.toml.Restart bnbchaind process
In case you miss the upgrade time window, you need to recover your node, find the detailed info at doc-site.

3. Upcoming Changes

Validator OperatorsValidator management features (including validator creation and editing) will be disabled on the BC chain
DeFi Protocols1.HTLT features(HTLTMsg, DepositHTLTMsg) will be disabled, therefore cross-chain atomic swap between BC Chain and other chains will be disabled. 
2. Timelock features(TimeLockMsg, TimeRelockMsg, FreezeMsg) and Asset issuing features(IssueMsg, MintMsg, IssueMiniMsg) will be disabled, no new assets will be able to created on the BC chain.  

Thanks for your cooperation, and let’s make the BNB Beacon Chain a modern and secure infrastructure for the BNB ecosystem.