Binance Smart Chain v1.1.1 Release

Binance Smart Chain v1.1.1 Release

bsc v1.1.1 is out and many validator nodes on bsc mainnet have upgraded to this new version. If you are running a fullnode on Binance Smart chain mainnet or testnet, it’s recommended to upgrade to this version.

Release note


  • #355 miner should propose block on a proper fork


  • #350 flag: fix TriesInmemory specified but not work
  • #358 miner: fix null pending block
  • #360 pruner: fix state bloom sync permission in Windows
  • #366 fix double close channel of subfetcher

How to Upgrade

  • Step1: Download the latest version of binary from release page.
# Linux wget # MacOS wget
  • Step2: Restart the bsc node
  1. Stop bsc node.
$ pid=`ps -ef | grep geth | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
$ kill  $pid

Note: it may take several minutes to complete the shutdown process. Please be patient!

2. Start `geth` again

geth --config ./config.toml --datadir ./node --syncmode snap -unlock {your-validator-address} --password password.txt  --mine  --allow-insecure-unlock --cache 10000

If you want to restart from a snapshot, please follow these instructions:

Common issues

How to reduce storage occupation

If the storage occupation of the bsc client increasing dramatically, you may consider increasing the TrieTimeout setting in config.toml.

What does TrieTimeout means?

The bsc client will keep MPT(Merkle Patricia Tree) in memory. Once the block processing time exceeds the TrieTimeout, the client will persis MPT into disk. If the client crash, it can recover from recent persisted MPT. Increasing the TrieTimeout setting will reduce storage occupation, in exchange, it will need more time to recover from a crash.

The default setting before release v1.1.1 is 100000000000, it will persist MPT about every 35 minutes.

We change the default setting to 2000000000000 in this release, it will persist MPT about every 12 hours.