After Binance Smart Chain Rialto testnet is launched, it has attracted a lot of attention from communities. In the meantime, the development team completes the full-fledged features of Binance Smart Chain. We are happy to announce that a brand-new Chapel testnet of Binance Smart Chain is going to substitute Rialto. As always, you can check out the code over at GitHub.
NOTE: As Rialto testnet will be destroyed, make sure you have any important data on Rialto testnet backed up.
1. Launching Brand-new Testnet
Two chains will be launched:
- New Chapel testnet of Binance Smart Chain to substitute Rialto.
- New Ganges testnet of Binance Chain to substitute Kongo.
The chains will be set to launch on July 9th, 2020. The new testnet will not be accessible until they pass comprehensive testing. We will release another announcement when everything is done, hopefully on July 10th, 2020.
2. Upcoming Changes
- New features of v0.7.2
- Introducing BEP8 Token.
- List and Trade BUSD Pairs.
- Improvements
- BEP-67: Introduce Different Expiration Span in Binance DEX
Introduce on-chain governance to decide the global parameters of BSC Chapel Testnet A proposal-vote process based on the staking of validators and delegators will decide global parameters of BSC: cross-chain transfer fee, relayer fee, pool fund, etc. New parameter values will be picked up by corresponding system contracts via cross-chain communication when needed.
- BEP-67: Introduce Different Expiration Span in Binance DEX
- Release of Binance Chain Client with BEP8 Support: You can now use tbnbcli to bind BEP8 assets.
- Add governance command of sidechain in tbnbcli.
- Enable native cross-chain transfer of BEP8 Token
- Token issuers can bind/transfer/unbind BEP8 tokens across two chains seamlessly.
- Enable unbind of BEP2 and BEP8 Token
- Token issuers can unbind tokens on two chains as their wish to better manage the token distribution of its project.
- Enable governance of parameters on system contracts.
- Cross-chain communication improvements.
- Refactor the cross-chain communication implementation with clearer protocol stack, better scalability, and uniform error handling.
- SDK Update
- Go-sdk: Release v1.2.3-bscAlpha.0
- Java-sdk: Release v1.1.0-bscAlpha.0
3. The Outlook
Binance Smart Chain has attracted a lot of attention from communities and more than 20 integrations in progress from different categories, including Wallets, Oracles, API, Explorer, Staking, Defi, and Gaming.
Binance Smart Chain roadmap is defined here to highlight the key phases until launching the mainnet:
One month after the release of white paper, BSC Rialto testnet was launched in May. In this testnet, we have tested
- Design of Proof of Staked Authority Consensus Implementation
- Stake and delegate BNB for the election of BSC validators
- Bind BEP2 tokens across 2 chains and transfer tokens seamlessly
In this new testnet, our goal is to enhance security, complete full-fledged features of Binance Smart Chain and relative services.
In the next phase, we will focus on:
- Release Staking UI.
- Launch Millau testnet of Binance Smart Chain to substitute Chapel.
- Launch new Binance Chain testnet Danube to substitute both Ganges and Nile.
- Launch a Staking game to encourage the staking of Binance Smart Chain.
- Host a hackathon to bloom Binance Chain ecosystem.
- Release “bug bounty” programs for Binance Smart Chain.
In the last phase, we will upgrade mainnet of Binance Chain and launch mainnet of Binance Smart Chain..
Thanks for your support!
Binance Chain Community