Binance DEX Delist SPARTA Announcement

Binance DEX Delist SPARTA Announcement

Dear community,

A delisting SPARTA/BUSD proposal was submitted on Binance Chain on 2021/05/10  based on the request of Binance Chain community. You can read more about the reasons for exiting here:

After this proposal gets approval from validators, SPARTA holders can still create or cancel orders before 2021/05/14 0:00 AM (UTC). When this cooling-off period ends, SPARTA/BUSD trading pair will be removed from Binance DEX since 2021/05/15 0:00 AM (UTC).

Please note:

  • All orders will be automatically removed from API after trading ceased
  • All outstanding orders will expire and an order expiration fee will be charged.
  • Transfer of SPARTA-7F3 tokens to other exchanges will still be possible.

Thanks for your support!

Binance Chain Community
