Tag: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
MetaMask was created out of the needs of creating more secure and usable Ethereum-based web sites.
Details: Anyone can submit a slashing request on BC with the evidence of Double Sign of BSC
You need to create an account that represents a key pair first.
All these parameters of BSC system contracts should be flexible: slashing threshold, cross-chain transfer fees, relayer reward amount and so on.
A native cross chain communication protocol is developed between BC (Binance Chain) and BSC (Binance Side Chain).
The software and related documentation are under active development, all subject to potential future change without notification and not ready for production use.
Relayers are responsible to submit Cross-Chain Communication Packages between the two blockchains.
The oracle module is a common module like gov which is used to handle prophecy and claim.
The relayer is a service which monitors events on BSC, builds and broadcasts transactions to BC
Available Resources BSC RPC: